
Kings Cross

Tonight (Friday night) I head to Kings Cross to pick-up my rental car for the weekend. Does Kings Cross ring a bell for anyone? Well, as it turns out, its the closest to a Red Light District that Sydney has. Odd place for a car rental but the places slogan is 'No Birds...'

Getting my car was no problem. But it was 6pm, I was hungry, and I thought I'd walk around the area and see whats it was all about. For the most part its just a bunch of shops, like chemists (pharmacy), 7-11s, cafe's, etc. But there is a 2x block stretch that has several, erm, 'clubs'. Also several adult 'boutiques'. I walked down to one end of Kings Cross as the sun went down, had some dinner, found a barbershop. ($12, much better that the $51 another place had wanted, even better than $81 at yet another place!).

By the time I was done with all that, it was nighttime. One my way back to my car, I was approached by 2 practionars of the worlds oldest profession... That's odd, such a big city and here out in the open, 3 blocks from a police station. All legal too.

I made it back to the car, and hit the road. It took a little wile to remember what it was like to drive on the other side of the road (and other side of the car!). One of the first challenges was driving across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, thats was cool.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day, time to get some Zzzs and get up at 6am...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to see what $81 gives you for a haircut. And if I had to drive on the other side of the car and road over the bridge I would curl up into a ball and cry.
