
Happy Trails Penang

[Sunday Oct 28th]
Well this is it. My last day in Penang. (I know, I know, I need to update everyone on what I have done this past week but its been soo busy!) Hopefully I'll get a chance to post pictures and stories etc when I get back home.

Today I woke up at Jeff's place, ended up staying waaaay late... Also managed to get Jeff and I locked out on the ~21st floor balcony for about 30 minutes ;) Long story! I had a nice authentic McDs breakfast, thanks Jeff. Bruce and Angela treated me to one last Starbucks (mmm, Starbucks!) and some grub at TGIF... Hmmm, recurring theme here, think they are prepping me for getting back? Thanks guys! Mei Fong met me at the Penang Airport for one last stop at Nandos... Mmmm. Thanks!

Then the moment came, I left Penang. I met a professor from England (Cambridge) who specializes on the Placenta of all things. He's World renown for his research. His favorate, the cell that is the bridge from the mother and child. Amazing when you think about it. The child is 1/2 of the father. The body should reject it just like a transplanted organ from the father... But it doesn't. These cells are amazing. I'll leave it there but he got me interested!

Now I've made it to Singapore. In a few hours I depart Singapore for Tokyo, a few hours layover, then off to Chicago. I'll be back in Neenah around 11am on Monday.

Penang has been a fun, exciting, and rewarding expierence. I am glad I took the opportunity to live there. The people have been fastastic. More than willing to help, and also have shown me around. I really appreciate everyone who I've met and spent time with. The culture, the food, the enviroment has been great. So different than back home. It has really opened my eyes to new things and new thoughts.

South East Asia has been fun, some day I'll return and explore more. There is so much to see and do! Thus far its been great memories, great people, and great moments. And who can forget the 'engaging' experience!

Happy Trails Penang, until we meet again...


Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip home. It's been fun having your here!

ladybugblue said...

so awesome that it's been such an all-around great experience