
Sticky Post - Please Read

Team 93
I have begun to use Picasa WebAlbums to store my photos. You can access the web albums I have available at: http://picasaweb.google.com/TerryRSherman
Each album has a general location and each picture may have a location associated with it as well. Many of the faces have been tagged so you can hover over a face to see find out who it is.

- Topics/Labels now in use, select a Topic to the right to sift through the entries.
- Archiving is enabled so now only the newest entries are listed on the front page. On the right side is a tool you can use to look at old posts. Click on a month and see all the posts that month, or just click '2007' and get all the posts.

P.S. A Sticky Post means that this one will always appear at the top of the page. You have to look below to see if any new post(s) exists since the last time you read the blog.